Welcome To
My Personal Portfolio

Hi there, I'm Clifford Mapesa, a full-stack software engineer. I'm passionate about building great experiences using software.

About Me

I am a creative, detail-oriented software engineer with a deep interest in emerging technologies with a proven track record of creating and implementing successful front and back-end web applications. Looking to bring my skills to a tech company with a global reach.



SpendLess is a web application for users to track their expenses. The application consists of a backend API built with Flask, which interacts with a MySQL database using SQLAlchemy ORM, and a frontend user interface developed with React

  • React
  • Tailwind
  • Flask
  • SQLAlchemy
  • API

Recipe Hub

Recipe hub is an app where users can add or explore recipes added by other users. Users can login to their profile and find their list of recipes. They can add new recipes via form, which they can then edit or delete all recipes in their profile.

  • Mongo
  • Express
  • Node


Globomantics is a web application that helps people to get access to houses in Europe

  • React
  • React-router
  • Context


Tenzies game build with React

  • React


I've worked with a range of technologiees from the web development world. From Front-End, Back-End to the Cloud.

  • Front-End

    Experience with
    HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React

  • Back-End

    Experience with
    Node, Python and Databases

  • Cloud

    Experience with


When in doubt build something